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The relationship with your staff is the most important part of any business - you just have to get the numbers right.


We can help - we have extensive experience of payroll processing and have the time to keep up as the legislation gets ever more complicated.

"I'll be truthful, the weekly paycheck is the most important thing to me."


Bela Lugosi, actor


Why not hand over this to us and concentrate on what makes your business really tick?

great worry-free service from £5 per employee per month


  • Set up of payroll system and registration with HMRC

  • Choice of weekly or monthly payroll runs

  • Personalised payslips for employees

  • Notify you of the paye/ni payment due 

  • Process P46 for starters and P45 for leavers during the year

  • Submit the end of year return (P35) for the close of the tax year

  • Provide FAQ for staff members

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